Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Should Be a Liberal...

I should be a Liberal because although I work hard, my job does not offer me Health Care Benefits and I can not afford private Insurance.

I am not a Liberal because I realize that it is a dead end crappy job and it has been my choice to stay with it.

I should be a liberal because when I see people get hurt, I wish it could have been avoided.

I am not a Liberal because I realize that much of the time the people who get hurt could have avoided it themselves.

I should be a Liberal because I am Pro-Choice, I favor sex education in schools and don't care if Gays want to marry.

I am not a Liberal because I believe abortion is the wrong choice, teens should not be having sex and why does anyone want to get locked into a contract that ultimately bites them in the ass...really!

I should be a Liberal because I believe in complete Free Speech, Freedom of the Press and Freedom of (Peaceful) Assembly.

I am not a Liberal because alot of that speech, press and assembly annoys the crap out of me.

I should be a Liberal because I want pot to be legalized.

I am not a Liberal because I realize you can't always get what you want...and if you try sometimes...you get what you need.

I should be a Liberal because I want to Make Love, Not War.

I am not a Liberal because I realize not everyone else feels that way.

I should be a Liberal because I really have no idea what God is, what His interactions with us are and what the meaning of Life is.

I am not a Liberal because He is, He does and there is.

I should be a Liberal because I think I know what is best.

I am not a Liberal because I know you do too.

I should be a Liberal because I could totally see myself reciting this at a pretensious, bohemian coffee haus.

I am not a Liberal because I realize how incredibly lame that truly is.

Linky if you wanna post there where it's plaid and full of smart peeps.


  1. Excellent post!

    I hope my latte spit-take was close enough to the coffee house experience for you :)

  2. Great blog.

    I should be a Liberal because I feel I should be able to speak and think without limitation imposed by others.

    I am not a Liberal because I know that my speach and actions may come with unintended consequences.

  3. I liked this post so much, I decided to comment here as well!
    Fun, funny, and truly enjoyable!
    Thanks for sharing this with us.
